Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sculpture: Roboman

(May 2004)
This is about the mid point of the all male model trend. I believe I had just completed work on casting Man 2. This was the last three week pose of the school year. As I recall I didn't have much creative energy left. Sometime this leads to trying different things. This is a good example of that happening.

Because the school year was coming to an end there was no way to preserve this piece. Well not easily at anyway. So knowing it's just going to get squished gives you a little more freedom to just play with it. It also gives you little incentive to put effort into it. So the combination of those two factors resulted in this part robot man.

Had I had more time or interest in it I probably would have taken it to the half and half stage. I think it's an interesting idea. I might try it again sometime. I've like the cyborg / humanoid robot concept. It might be fun to carry that through to a completed piece.

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