Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Neill-Wycik, Giving Notice

September 1988 was the first time I moved into Neill-Wycik Co-operative Collage Inc., as a place to stay while attending Ryerson. In November 1992 I moved from the student multi-units into a one bedroom apartment.

Today, after 17 year and 7 months in the building and 13 years and 4 months in my apartment, I am giving notice.

It's a very odd feeling knowing I'll no longer be living here in just a couple of months. Somedays I'm very excited about moving to my condo, other days I notice all the things I'll miss about this place. Overall I can't wait to get into my new place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heya dude
I'm sure I know you by face, though not by name. I moved in to Wycik in 1994. Lived there til '98.
Spent four years on Security and three on the Board. Friends with Brian Woodrow (Prez),Lynn (sorta) and Ross Blaine but mostly with Steve Jennings, Aaron Murphy, KEn Anderson,Robbie, Security folks and most of the people in the rez. The best times of my life.
Good luck in yer new venture.
Trust me. The best times in Wycik are gone
Onward and upward.

Cheers - Rei Tjerkstra