Monday, January 08, 2007


I'm in California now!

So I'll be updating with details of my drive out here soon. Currently I'm going through all the head aches of getting settled in at the University. Things like getting a bank account, University ID, computer accounts, room keys, library card, social security number, etc. All of which seem to need one or more of the others to get, which is hard when you don't have any of them.

In the end hopefully all it will mean is just a lot of running around, and nothing more then that.

The drive out in brief, was very good. No problems with weather. I drove out with my Dad and we seemed to arrive in places just as they finished digging out from storms. So it was perfect timing. We left London on the 29th of December and arrived in Irvine on the 5th of January.

I'll fill in further details soon.


Iain said...

Whoah whatwhatwhat? You moved to California?!?! :(

isarcat said...

Hey! We've been waiting for the keys to the condo! WHERE ARE THE KEYS TO THE CONDO? hmmmppthht.

How expensive are rents in California and how long are you staying?