To make what is really rather a short story longer, I missed the turn on to Martin Grove and had to head down Kipling instead. I knew how to get back on track, but I had to consider two things.

Once I made it to Eglinton I knew for sure I was running short. I also knew there would be precious few places to stop along Eglinton, so I continued along Kipling. From my experiences driving with Calum I knew there was another street though a residential area I could cut back towards his place.
I turned right on Princess Margaret just as the odometer turned 20,000. A this point I knew I had blown it. There was no way to make it to Calum's. I also knew if I hadn't missed the turn on Marten Grove I would have been spot on when I arrived in his driveway. Instead I had to stop at the first cross street. I parked the car under the street sign so I could get a good picture.
Up until this point there had been no traffic at all in the area. In fact I sat in the car for quite a bit preparing the camera and taking a picture of the dash. Then I go to get out. What is it about drivers, a car is pulled over at the side of the road with it's four ways on and they line up behind it. Granted I was at the stop sign, but come on, it couldn't be clearer I wasn't going anywhere.
I got out and waved people around me. After I cleared all the cars from around me I managed to snap a few pictures before the next batch of cars showed up. And really this was a quiet neighbourhood, and I was on a side street, off a side street. Everyone came out of the wood work at once. Once I got back in and drove off, I didn't see another car till I got back to highway.
My car is now 20,000 km old. I finished the drive to Calum's to confirm I was only 1 km from my goal. Then I drove home.

I was going to just say "whatever" (wink) but on my way home from the Hobby Show I noticed I was at 270,000 and was thinking, when it rolled to 300,000 that would be sort of noteworthy, but now I am just too depressed that I am driving such an old piece of garbage, thanks Derek!
You know you'll probibly drive the 30,000km you need long before I drive the 10,000km I need just to get to 30,000km.
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