I want to give a big thanks to Calum, John, and Jeremy for helping me move on Saturday. I couldn't have done it without your help.
I'd also like to thank Ken and Colleen for there help earlier in the week.
And I'd especially like to thank my parents for all the help and support they've given me from the day I expressed interest in the new place to helping me clean out old dump, they've been there.
So lets review the weekend.
I had reached the point of total exhaustion. I've been moving stuff over almost every day for the last two week. By the time Saturday rolled around I just couldn't deal with it any more. I couldn't think what went where or how to pack it or even how to carry it. Fortunately everyone did a great job of just picking up stuff and getting it over to the new place. All I did was babel a few incoherent thoughts and it all happened around me.
We did have a little fun too. Here's John and I ridding the couch down the elevator.

If you'd like to see the sequence of the Great Couch Toss it can be found on
Calum's Blog. That was a very cathartic experience. That couch, was passed it's prime years ago. The black had faded to gray on the arms and the seat fabric was gone completely.
The cool thing is it only weighed about 35lb so it wasn't hard to lift into the bin. It's too bad I couldn't do the CityTV Christmas Tree Toss thing, 6 floor window and pyrotechnics, but heaving it over the side of the bin was quite satisfying none the less.
Another thing that was happening is people were joking about what strange things they'd find in the kitchen. It's the one area I hadn't managed to do much packing. I left my Mom to pack things up, but I know Jeremy and Calum helped out at times.
There where the typical things like, 15 year old bags of sugar, Jello in classic packaging, cans of questionably aged soup. And there were a few odd things too. Like a picture a framed picture of
Wendy Messly that my friend Aair had given me years ago.
But the one really odd thing, which I had forgotten about was in a black garbage bag sitting above the cupboards. On the outside was a small label that had my name and "tues eve" written on it. In side was a board and two clay breasts sitting on it.
Even with context they're pretty odd.
But no-one Mentioned it specifically. I've got to assume John didn't see them because it's not like him to let a breasts go unmentioned.
Anyway, the explanation is somewhat obvious, they are from one of my sculptures. But I didn't do a sculpture of too disembodied breasts. These where actually part of a much larger sculpture I did last year. It's one I have not yet posted. It's almost a life size female torso, which I molded and cast. When cleaning out the casting the breasts popped out of the mold undamaged. Everyone in the class thought they looked perfect, and that I should keep them. In fact a few people wanted to take them if I wasn't going to keep them.
Well I wasn't really interested in keeping them, but I also wasn't comfortable with others taking them. So I invoked my artistic right to be selfish and I keep them. I took them home in a black garbage bag on a board from the class, put them on top of the kitchen cabinets and forgot about them.
Looking at them now I am amazed how well they dried out. Normally this kind of clay cracks and flakes off as it dries. But they are almost perfect.
I'm still not sure what to do with them. They are too hard to work with, they can't be made workable again, and they are too dusty to use as is. The will probably go back in the bag and back on top of my new kitchen cabinets only to be found and wondered about in another 15 years.